Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

April 30th, 2011

12:28 am - [info]ranorton

The Bellas - Drew Mcintyre - Alberto Del Rio - Miz - Santino - Michael Cole - Heath Slater - make your way to [info]headofficial.

12:40 am - [info]alexmagz - A wrestler/rock chick for a rocker?

Looking in particular for one Christy Hemme over at a little game where this guy is. You know the story, rock musician-ish tells a dancer (continued or ex, your choice) that he's apart of a successful band to impress her thinking that he'll never see her again so he told her a tiny white lie. A little time in the champagne room alone just having a conversation and they say goodbye but there's something lingering there. She looks into him and finds out he's just producer to the record label, and fate provides an opportunity for her to confront him about it. He has no more reason to lie to her and confesses and they see eachother regularly as friends. Times ticks by and he tries to take it at step futher by asking her out. Fast forward a few years later and he's married to her, they have two-twins boys, and the twist? He's FINALLY in a band. Great #uckin' story, right?

What I'm trying to say?

Christy Hemme is being looked for by this Jesse Hasek(10 Years)-lookin' guy to be his wife, and she's wanted at [info]nycenterfolds

02:15 am - [info]divina_fly

what's a girl gotta do to get the rest of her crew over to [info]nxt?

12:03 pm - [info]jhncna

Planning on taking this guy to [info]nxt and he'd love for someone to come along with him for a romantic line. Can be either slash or het or if someone is already in game looking for a line toss the ideas his way and see if something can be worked out.

04:20 pm - [info]ex_rko225

[info]currented The Miz, R-Truth, Corre members, Nexus members, people who love Netflix, Doctor Who, and generally horsing around with the rest of us.

05:25 pm - [info]trres

While I contemplate bringing this girl over to [info]aawmod (oh who am I kidding? Of course I am going!), I wonder if anyone would like to tag along with her. It could be for something romantic or even just friendship, I'm not picky. So long as she has people to talk to? She'll be a happy camper :)

08:41 pm - [info]trishstratus - [info]currented.

Lisa Varon, Nora Greenwald, Gail Kim, Torrie Wilson, Stacy Keibler.
Steve Austin, Dwayne Johnson, Paul Levesque, Shawn Hickenbottom.


09:16 pm - [info]amms

the psl idea seems to be a bust, so perhaps a home for this girl? friends, romantic offerings...any interaction will be a huge plus!

11:25 pm - [info]justanotherstar

Info is in the journal, but I'd love to find line or two. Can be het (for my girls) or slash (for my boys). I would prefer PSL's but since I have next to nothing else going on, I may be able to swing going to games.

11:25 pm - [info]jeff_hardy

so, i've got this boy over within the community on Livejournal, Must_Be_Pop.. and we're looking for a line with him. anyone interested?

11:43 pm - [info]mariestephanie

[info]shootspot right now!

11:55 pm - [info]eddiedwards

this guy is housed @ [info]scriptsheet, looking for a potential storyline. i am somewhat picky throw me a pm or leave a comment if you're interested. comments are screened, you can also be apart of the game already too.
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