Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

February 28th, 2011

01:12 am - [info]bombshell_trish

It seems as though I've found a voice for this girl again.
That being said, I'd like to find one psl for her.
I do have a few guys in mind. John Cena, Randy Orton, Adam Copeland/Edge, Shawn Michaels just to name a few. I am open to other suggestions.
You can find more info,including contact info, in this journal. :)

10:58 am - [info]barbarajblank

More of everyone to [info]ringlegends!

02:02 pm - [info]flysydal

A slash PSL or home for Mr. Air Bourne?

03:40 pm - [info]ex_rko225


Probably one of the most welcoming celeb games I've seen for wrestlers. Let's see Evan Bourne, Bryan Danielson, Chris Jericho, Mike Mizanin, and how about some Dolph Ziggler? Also, I would not be opposed to seeing Dwayne Johnson, Gail Kim, or Wade Barrett.

Adds are tonight, no first entry is needed, but good examples would help. That being said, I am hoping I can see people who are mature and creative writers that will be fun to hang with.

05:39 pm - [info]melinavaperez

Does anyone have a home for her?

06:25 pm - [info]skbler

Miss Keibler is headed over to [info]tnamod in the next couple of days (or hours, whatever) and I was hoping to possibly get a Chris Irvine/Chris Jericho to tag along for a romantic line. They can start off as friends, or come in together as a couple, I'm not picky at all (I'm also open to other ideas, be it someone new or someone already in the game) so don't think he is the only one I would settle for, he is just the top choice :)
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