Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

December 17th, 2010

12:58 am - [info]milenalr

more people to [info]theanonymousgm please! this girl would absolutely love to have more people to talk to.

02:17 am - [info]stpmcmahon

I know it's not the most popular thing in the world, but does anyone still write femme-slash that would be interested in taking something mature, and long-term into a community with this woman? I've got some ideas for how the line itself would be set up, but other than the bare basics? Really not picky on who you play, as long as you enjoy them and will let me know if you lose interest.

Will also need a home.

03:33 pm - [info]vingerard

I suppose now's a better time than never. Home for the future dirtiest man in FCW?

05:23 pm - [info]bo_rotundo

Can anyone offer this guy a home? I'd like some place where people will talk to him even if he isn't on the main roster. It'd be great if his brother was there but not neccessary. If you don't know, his name is Taylor Rotunda AKA Bo Rotundo, baby brother of Husky. Storylines of the slash variety are also very welcome but not needed.

09:58 pm - [info]nynecrymes

Dear Alberto Del Rio.

One Melina Perez is interested in seeing what sort of storyline could be created between the two of them. If for no other reason but conflict and lolzy behavior. Please contact at HurricaneLina on AIM for details and a possible home.
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