Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

November 9th, 2010

01:48 am - [info]blankb

could i get a psl or two for her? i'd love a randy orton, chris irvine, triple h, john morrison or john cena but i'm open to considering anything!

08:38 am - [info]ex_mryseo960

looking to pick up a psl or two with this woman. new journals will be made for each one to avoid confusion. my mind is completely open to who the line could be with (i'll even consider femmeslash for the right pairing) so feel free to leave any kind of ideas in the comments (or pm's work well also.) i tend to enjoy darker story lines and am not the "fade to black" type (though if sex scenes aren't your thing, we can work something out), just know that aim is not an option for me right now. i'm quick to reply to comments though, so locked posts/scenes/threads should not be an issue.

09:00 am - [info]melinava

the plan is, in the next day or so, to bring this woman over to [info]highspot and as cliche as it may be, i would love to get a john hennigan/john morrison to tag along for a romantic line. i can never seem to get a lasting line between the two, be it a psl or in a game, so i would like to try something not true-to-life. you can pm me for details, it's nothing terribly complicated and i doubt it will scare anyone seriously interested in the line away, i just want to make sure all bases are covered before starting anything up.

comments are screened & i will be on aim on and off today if you want to get a hold of me that way (the name is in her user info)

10:29 am - [info]pjrf - Good morning!

This boy is wondering two things.

1. What the hell can he get his hands on to eat right now because he's a hungry man!
2. Why the hell aren't you at [info]thefutureshock yet so he can harass your critter? :) He's an equal opportunist!

10:36 pm - [info]rydisteph

Here's the deal, ladies and jerks.

This fella right here? Is reeking havoc with his twin brother over at [info]thefutureshock. And here's what we're looking for. Looking for a college ex-girlfriend, college friends, pro wrestling friends, hell, we'll settle for any damn thing.

I'm big on chemistry so if you want a line with this boy? Ideas are love! All comments here are screened so if you're up for hashing over some ideas for a storyline I'd be glad to give you a shot. Either way I suggest making your way on over to the newest pb wrestling game on insanejournal. Small group now but we're growing, be a part of it.
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