Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

May 20th, 2010

04:57 am - [info]bellavendetta

i'm looking for a psl. it would be very smut based (i know some people are touchy about that, so it's best to be up front about it) and the boy i am looking for someone to play is randy orton (although i would be interested in some other suggestions, so long as the guy is known to have a bit of a wild side/be a bit of a bad boy [i.e. cm punk, perhaps]). i have a couple of girls in mind for the line, so please pm me if you are interested in a list of them (not all will be wrestler girls, as i do have some interest in playing some 'alt models' for the line, like the lady in my icon). it would be journal based, although not entirely as i can get on aim occasionally, and all i really ask is that you give as much as you get. if i give you three paragraphs, i don't want one or two lines in return.

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09:16 am - [info]randy_savage

Stephanie Bellars....would love to have you at [info]wwemania

11:03 am - [info]cmichelle

i'm looking for a psl (aim & thread based, though a lot of the latter since my schedule is kind of weird at the moment) with this woman. the idea i have in mind is an alt-reality based line, although nothing too far fetched. if you are interested, please feel free to pm me or leave a comment :) i have no real preference as far as the guy goes, all i ask is that you be open minded when getting a hold of me about what the idea might be and if it doesn't interest you? just let me know. i won't get offended, i promise.

12:39 pm - [info]bjeanb

This lady happens to be single over at [info]tnamod / [info]tnaimpact and honestly? I would love for that to change. I don't have any real ideas in mind, but I am open minded, if that helps. I don't mind if it's someone new brought in or even someone already in the game either :)

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12:46 pm - [info]alabamer

anyone play triple h slashy? i have an idea.

comment here (it's screened/anon is on) or you can just leave me where to contact you.

01:24 pm - [info]slaterheath

Home Suggestions please. Other NXT guys there would be wonderful, FCW peeps even better. As far as storylines, I prefer slash if you should have any ideas on that.

07:29 pm - [info]johnafelixcena

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