Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

February 24th, 2010

12:21 am - [info]submissions - comments are screened or pm

alright, who's wanted at [info]wrestlingwar? guy or girl, i'm up for anything at this point.

12:30 am - [info]tapoutmod

[info]tapout // [info]tapoutmod

Small but steady, always looking for new faces!

01:58 am - [info]calgaryhart

this isn't another bullshit post where someone asks where they're wanted and then dies off soon after joining. he's the man, straight to the point. i'm not looking to have him jump the first set of bones he sees. family is a plus, but not required. i can't be online all the time and would appreciate if others didn't get itchy when i'm not. if that's not too much, where would he be welcomed?

03:40 pm - [info]thethirdsparks

[info]digitize. Anyone and Everyone welcome!

05:43 pm - [info]jhncena


09:48 pm - [info]cpmunk

Looking for a Beth Phoenix for a threading-based psl. Things that make me happy are patience, spamming, and maturity. Know that I'm typically a night time person on CST, though I am (usually) able to hop on sometimes during the day. Night time's more of my prime writing time.

I also wouldn't be opposed to a line with a Lacey or the clichéd Maria line, but the maturity's even more important there. Had a string of bad luck with Marias. Comments are screened for your privacy.
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