Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

January 19th, 2010

12:39 am - [info]natkatherine - Okay 2/3.......it should be easier now?

Harry Smith - Please come to [info]wrestlingwar. After numerous prodding, TJ has finally shown so now it's your turn.

01:39 am - [info]laurenbthompson

Lauren is housed over at [info]maineventers and would love if the following people would show up and keep her company.

Taylor Wilde. SoCal Val. Shelly Martinez. ODB. Tara. Christy Hemme.

Now what post would be complete without asking for someone for a romantic line? Please keep in mind that the following names are just the ones that came to mind. I would have no objection if you'd like to toss out some other names at us.

Alex Shelley. Chris Sabin. Matt Morgan. Kevin Nash. Samoa Joe. Jeremy Borash.

PMs work just fine if you'd rather not comment.

10:03 am - [info]brookshawt

[info]tnamod[info]tnaimpact could really use some new people over there. Personally speaking, this lady would love to see people such as Frankie Kazarian (I am aware they just got married and while I play her as single, I am open to staying 'true to life' with them and playing them as a married couple), Gail Kim, Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Christian, Low Ki, Petey Williams, Robert Roode, James Storm, Jeff Jarrett, Ace Steel, CM Punk, ODB, Matt Bentley (the longest of all long shots, I know, but I figure it's worth a try), and anyone else that may be available. Tons of roles are open so it's worth checking out if nothing else.

As mentioned above, I play this lady single currently, so if anyone perhaps wants a storyline with her? I'm all ears. I play her straight though, so apologies to any ladies who may be interested. Comments are screened and I check for PM's a couple of times a day, so those work well too :)

03:47 pm - [info]marysekisses

Maybe a long shot here but worth a try. This girl is looking to be more active over at [info]tnaimpact via [info]tnamod. With that said there has been a pairing I've wanted to try and that being with Nick Nemeth aka Mr. Perfection Dolph Ziggler. There are plenty of his co-workers and friends around so of course she wouldn't be the only one to talk to. Perfection + The Sexiest of Sexy, a match made in vanity insanity heaven! Comments are screened and pms are checked quite often. And it's her birthday week and who can say no to a birthday girl!
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