Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

December 16th, 2009

03:59 am - [info]april_hunter

home? storylines go a long way, male or female, romantic or non.

08:29 am - [info]chaud

[info]chaud wants you and your homeless journals to come join the fun. Nightly chats are going to restart as well as some new things coming up in January.

09:52 am - [info]aps

While I wait for this lady to be accepted over at [info]extremeimpact, I was hoping to maybe pick up a storyline or two. You can already be in the game, or be bringing in someone new, I'm not picky, I would just like to get this lady some friends and maybe even a love interest (although someone to just flirt with for right now works fine.)

Since it's a PB game, I'm not picky about faces, though it would be absolutely amazing to see a Jimmy Jacobs PB, as well as a Tyler Black one, show up.

Comments are screened, so don't be afraid to throw some ideas my way. If you want to learn more about the lady, just check out her journal for some fast facts.
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