Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

August 10th, 2009

04:09 am - [info]autumntoalli

Nigel McGuinness, Bryan Danielson, Ryan Cruz, and Shane Hollister, this lady right here would absolutely love for you all to come over to [info]outsidetheropes

I realize how slim the chances of any of them popping up are, but stranger things have happened and it never hurts to ask!

04:34 am - [info]wrestlingwarmod

[info]wrestlingwar is an established game approaching 50 members. We've still got alot of popular roles available that are usually gone in most games. We're looking for some new faces to come liven the place up even more.

06:38 am - [info]emiklosi

Anyone want to give the birthday girl (Lizzy Valentine) a home? Preferably with 1) people who know who she is 2) people who won't ignore her just because she isn't a Diva or Knockout and 3) [although this isn't very important] potential for storylines.

10:50 am - [info]punkrockqueen

Since this girl just got jipped out of an established storyline she is now looking for a new home with someone new to come keep her company . Comments are screened and PM's work as well.

05:06 pm - [info]outsidemod - cheap plug? you bet. :)

Taken/Wanted/Held * Rules * Application

If you're looking for a game that's active and friendly, this is the place for you! While we're not a small community, we still have plenty of excellent roles up for grabs and lots of singles if you're looking for a potential pairing! Give us a look and join today! Also, provided your critter is active on the friends page via the lyrical and/or random communities, we do not enforce an update limit. :)
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