Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

April 30th, 2009

04:26 am - [info]emiliclarke

Let's see if I can actually post this, since my posts seem to keep getting eaten.

I need a home for this girl, or at least a PSL. Her voice is screaming in my head but unfortunately, she seems to be taken in most games, so I'm thinking maybe PSL is the way to go, unless someone has a game for me of course.

Not looking for any details right now, no storylines or anything like that, just a game where people will talk to her. One thing I hate is bringing a girl into a game and then having her get ignored because she doesn't flood the friends page 20 times a day. Sorry, but I do have other things to do.

Comments are screened for any PSL suggestions. I have no set boys in mind, so please suggest away :)

11:26 am - [info]katarinalea

After seeing her new shoot, I have a insane urge to give this woman another go. So does anyone have a home for her, or even a psl offer for that matter?

11:50 am - [info]raininonsunday

Giving this another try. Anyone up for Lauren Brooke / AJ Styles?  Or, you could even check out the ideas in the journal. Really, just give me something to do!

11:41 pm - [info]ladytoria

DJ Gabriel? Are you out there somewhere? Victoria here would love to see you are [info]dirtxsheet for a friendship and/or romantic storyline. We can offer icons as well!
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