Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

February 19th, 2009

03:39 am - [info]barbarajean

Possible romantic interest for this woman over at [info]dirtxsheet? I really have no one in mind so by all means, just suggest someone to me here or show up and start hitting on her. Honestly, I'm not picky, I would just really like to try and get something going for her. The more unique the pairing idea, the more I will be into it. I hate pairings that come off as cliche or typical.

04:20 am - [info]ex_hellsbell539

Home for Ms. Martinez?

11:08 am - [info]cmichelle

Anyone have a home for Candice? I know it's a long shot so I would even be willing to pick up a PSL or two instead.

12:08 pm - [info]charliehaas


03:40 pm - [info]jtotheizohncena

Here's the deal, I know a place called [info]travelocity where celebrities from movies, music, the world of fashion, and wrestling all roam alike from far and wide. It's really a pretty great place where everyone gets along, sure there are little spats here and there but nothing major which is to be expected anywhere truthishly. Anyways, all that said, putting the group and all of it's inhabitants over aside, there are a few people that one John Cena and one Black Cloud Sensei would like to see come around.

Ms. Talia Madison\Velvet Sky, Matt has been talking about you an awful lot these last few days. Quite frankly I hear he has a bit of a thing for you eventhough the whole dating his best friend thing is there. That might be something for you two to work out, but while you're at it, care to bring that Beautiful Partner of yours with you? Not the Mr. Ass persuasion particularly, but the kind that is just way too easy to angelinaLove, though I suppose it wouldn't be too bad if Kip came along. There's also the request for one Katie Lea to show up, you were quite the talk of the wrestlers on Valentine's day with your photoshoot. We recently picked up Kelly Kelly who I'm sure would just laylaEl-o-v-e it if you came along so she's not the only expose member there. Of course, those are just a few that have been mentioned, but all not there already would definitely be welcome, everyone there is welcoming so come on and give us a look.

06:43 pm - [info]melinanava

[info]itsashootrpg! If you are looking for a game that is simple with rules, pretty welcoming, and full of all kinds of amazing writers and roles, I highly suggest giving us a look. As long as you make an effort to comment to others, they will comment back to you, so please don't expect this to be one of those games where everyone is buddy buddy off the bat. Any good game requires a little effort from both parties. That doesn't mean you will go ignored just because you aren't active but if you show no desire to interact with those outreach to you, you probably shouldn't be in a game anyway.

So come on! Have a look. The worst that could happen is we aren't for you. If you do decide to apply though? It'll be worth the whole 2 minutes it takes to fill out the application and post an intro, trust me. I've only been there a short time but I absolutely love it. Don't worry about icons, if you need them, I've got them, trust me.
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