Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

December 10th, 2008

07:28 am - [info]p_levesque

Looking for someone to play opposite Triple H on [info]dreamsmod.

11:57 am - [info]anglekaren

home? i know she probably isn't going to be a "in demand" role but i've been wanting to play her for a long time now and figure now was as good a time as any. i don't need reasons, names work just fine. however all i ask is that if there is a kurt already in the game, i get warning as to how they are with karen. i don't want to come into a game and get slammed because kurt has been bashing her for months. if that is the case, please just let me know so i can be prepared.

11:29 pm - [info]blankelly

Is she needed at any communities? Storylines are love.

11:45 pm - [info]vblair

So I just brought this girl over to [info]indymod and obviously need some storylines filled. I have nothing set in stone so if you have an idea, pitch it to me. I wrote up her first entry vaguely enough that she could have siblings so even that is an option.

va voom veronika is her aim name but comments are also screened if that is easier.
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