Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

November 9th, 2008

06:04 pm - [info]mariaissugar - Maria/Punk anyone?

I was thinking about this for a while now and decided to give it a shot.

I want to do a Maria/Punk PSL but rewind and play out them meeting in OVW and getting together and some of the trials and tribulations that they have had over the years (ie: the difficulty of never seeing each other, Playboy, championships, etc.)

I guess you could call it AU since it's not in real time and we'd sort of direct them along and use that handy fast forward button when wanted.

The only deal is I'm not on a whole lot so we'd be using a lot of journals to interact and AIM when we can. The idea is to update like you're in a community with posts, randoms, lyrics, etc. Only we wouldn't be in a community.

So... anyone out there play Punk and would want to take this adventure through time with me? Comment here for more details. All are screened.

PS-I might be persuaded to play Punk instead of Maria. Maybe. ;)

10:40 pm - [info]champagnedreams

Okay here's the deal. I have a Maria Kanellis over on livejornal, in an AU game. She's still a diva, but she's also the reform school's nurse. I'm looking for someone to come in as a potential love interest. There are a fair few wrestlers already there, and the place is active and awesome. If you're interested, comment here with suggestions and we'll work something out.
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