Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

June 27th, 2008

01:07 am - [info]ashleymizassaro

Over at [info]vivalasenzamod Paul and I want to see Brian Kendrick get his butt over there. You can't have the three muskateers with just two people. And could a girl possibly get a cutie to wine and dine her? I'm not too particular who it is but Shannon Moore and Evan Bourne would definitely be top contenders.

10:34 am - [info]april_hunter

Last post, I promise, I'm sure you're sick of me by now..

Does anyone out there play the lovely Talia Madison/Velvet Sky? I'd like to do a line with her, possibly working out their 'break-up' and perhaps turning Romantic, though not everything's worked out yet.. I'd join a comm for you, or we can find one together, leave a SN and we can discuss it.

11:34 am - [info]londonpaul - Looking for..

[info]pennybags is a great community but would be even better if Brian Kendrick would kindly get his ass over here already.

Also Ashley would love to have some of her diva friends around. so How about some of you WWE superstars and divas make your way over to [info]pennybags and lets show them how we party wwe style.

01:48 pm - [info]randykilslegnds

Anyone interested in joining a community with me?

03:16 pm - [info]champagnedreams

I have a few homeless journals, that I've been neglecting for quite some time now. I'd love to be able to pick up some of my critters again, but right now I'm not sure where to take them, and whether or not there would be anyone wanting to come in with or for a SL.

I'm asking for community suggestions, I'll list my critters in a sec. Also, anyone who'd be interested in threading through journals, since AIM hates me sometimes, with any of my list, PSL of course, leave a comment for me here.

My Critters are..

Ken Kennedy.
Chris Jericho.
John Cena.
Randy Orton.
Layla El.
Maria Kanellis.

07:10 pm - [info]randykilslegnds

[info]vivalasenzamod Someone wanna come with?

09:41 pm - [info]indiemod - Lets try this again, damnit!

If I were to start up a celeb group that wasn't mainly focused on large entries but more of the activity of the community [meaning sub community abuse and aim conversations]. Would anyone join?
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