Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

May 26th, 2008

03:55 am - [info]brookeadams__

[info]limelightlife|[info]limelightmod This is a new game,the mods and gamers are very friendly.The girls are classy -apart from their icons- and the guys are awesome to hang around with.

Please know that we are comment whores so you'll get alot of comments when you update aswell as in the other fine sub-communites. If you want icons,we can give you them,If you want a manip icon or picture-again we can provide that aswell as,storylines,friends and fair mods who will listen to what you want.

All manips and icons are done by me.

03:10 pm - [info]misseve - A Home Needed...

Before I finish up this girls journal I wanted to get a few ideas of games where she's needed/wanted. A storyline idea would be great but it's not a neccessity as long as she'll be welcomed/talked to.

03:11 pm - [info]johncena

[info]otr via [info]otrmod. I love this place. Your friends page is always moving, the people on it are smart with the ability to type, and we could use some new, fresh blood. There are several people wanted, several people needed, and lots of room for new additions, who would be more than welcome by everyone. People talk to you, and comments are love. The AIM buddylist isn't always the most full, but there's always something new and somebody to toss the shit with. Check us out, yeah? It's about time we have some new, mature, willing to talk people over there.

04:02 pm - [info]punkxxx - A home

This dude needs a home. A storyline would be great but at least people to kick it with! Give me some ideas.

04:12 pm - [info]sinnbowdee - A Home Needed...

Before I spend hours fixing up this journal, I would like to know if there's a home out there for him. I'd like some place where people know who he is and will talk to him. Storylines are love but I can work without one to start out. Give me some reasons why he's wanted and not just names. Thanks!

09:30 pm - [info]melina_perez

I've decided I want to attempt playing this girl again. Previous attempts have failed (obviously) but I figure one more time can't hurt. With that said, does anyone have a home for her? Places with no AIM requirement are best for me but if none exist, I'll settle for a PSL (it would have to be thread based I'm afraid since, again, being on AIM tends to be an issue)

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