December 17th, 2011

[info]alexiasalvatore in [info]ridgewaysfuture

I'm recovered from my fever. Thank you to my Dad and Mom for taking good care of me. Also, thanks to James for sending his dog to look after me. I've sent him on his way home, James.

[info]scruffylooking in [info]ridgewaysfuture

Who: Matilda and Ashley
What: Dinner
When: After this
Where: Starting at Locksley

The grin was still on her face )

[info]_little_bird in [info]ridgewaysfuture

Network post; filtered to Gracey

How was the hot date?

[info]childofhunters in [info]ridgewaysfuture

Network Post; open to all

Who wants to go camping with me tonight?

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]ridgewaysfuture

network post; filtered to Dimtiri and Stefan

Dimitri, are you ready to apologize to your father and I for your disrespectful attitude?

[info]robinofthehood in [info]ridgewaysfuture

Network post; filtered to Gibbs

How did it go with Logan?

[info]jr_gisborne in [info]ridgewaysfuture

Logan )

[info]sottovoces in [info]ridgewaysfuture

Filtered to Gibbs


Can I talk to you?

I don't know who else to ask and you're... you have your head screwed on.