Oct. 26th, 2009


FICATHON FIC: "Altering the Parameters" (Voldemort, Harry; PG; prompt 33)

Title: Altering the Parameters
Author: [info]eaivalefay
Pairing/Characters: Voldemort, Harry, preslash
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Words: ~5,000
Summary: Voldemort develops a new plan to get Potter out of his way. He may have more help at it than he thinks.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter books, characters, world, what-have-you all belong to J. K. Rowling. No infringement is intended, and no money is being made off of this story.
Author's Notes: This is.... inspired by a whole lot, actually, and because of that it has had so many beginnings and patterns. Inspiration-wise, this is dedicated to Bells and Meda as well as the Riddle Gifts fest itself and all of fandom in general. ♥ I hope everyone enjoys it!
Prompt(s): 33. Voldemort manages to catch Harry. Instead of killing Harry, Voldemort offers Harry the chance to learn from him. Harry accepts. (AU, obviously) - can be gen, slashy goodness welcome. (suggested by [info]sapphiretragedy)

Altering the Parameters )