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The Marvel Revolution Community


February 20th, 2008

Sample Application: Non-Mutant

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I realize that most of these samples have been mutants... oops, so here we have a non-mutant app. Remember, we also take cyborgs, mutates, humans, clones and various other creatures of imagination. However, whatever the race, the same quality and comprehensiveness is expected.

OC Sorceress: Tristiana Oldershaw )

Sample Application: OC Student

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Students. Ah, yes. Young, untrained, uncontrolled, new mutants seeking out a place to belong, be taught or call home (or... being sought out, however it goes).

OC Student: Elliot Wescott )

Sample Application: OC Villain

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And villains? We love them too! Bring it on.

OC Villain: Ayame Kisake )

Sample Application: OC Professor

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And what about those OCs? We love OCs. Below is a sample app for and OC and a professor at Xavier's. Remember, with an OC, we know nothing about this character, so it's up to you to give us a comprehensive overview of their life, personality, powers and so forth.

OC Professor: Lawrence Sutherland )

Sample Application: Minor FC

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Sometimes, with an FC, there just isn't /enough/ information to make a fleshed out app. In that case, we encourage players to build on what /is/ available to create a story for these characters. We do allow for some deviation from canon, so long as it make sense (and isn't world-shattering). And remember, this app is a sample to the wizards of your creative and writing ability, the first sample, likely.

Below is an app for a Minor FC student, and a sample of the quality we expect out of any application.

Minor FC: Alani Ryan )
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