Posts Tagged: '-player:+natasha'

Jan. 29th, 2019




Hi, everyone! This is Natasha. I'm out running errands, but this is Clint Barton from the MCU. Archer, bada-- normal, generally nice guy. He's pre-Infinity War because that's much easier to deal with for me. He'll be working in Security and Intel.

He's living in 403 and he's friendly. Be his friend!

Jan. 10th, 2019



Intro: Marcus Cole

Hi, everyone! This is Natasha with Marcus Cole. He was here before, but disappeared during the whole mess after Sadler's death, so early arrivals and some of the longer term folk will remember him.

...this isn't that Marcus. For playability reasons, he's coming from Atlantis and not exactly thrilled about it, but he's been bouncing around the multiverse long enough that it's not new to him, so he'll roll with it. I think everyone's seen some version of him, but "snarky knight errant meets space pilot" is my general description of him. He was born on a colony outside the Sol system and space travel is not new to him. He'll have some sympathies with the Resistance because "Eh. Earth."

He's a good guy and a great fighter with a love of literature, a penchant for trolling his friends and a bad habit of getting himself killed (twice) or nearly (a lot more) in stupid self-sacrificing moves.

Dec. 29th, 2018



Natasha's Gifts Post

Gifts Post )

Apr. 25th, 2018




Hi everyone!

I'm Natasha. I'm 35, I have a love of obscure fandoms, and I'm terrible at being brief. I know some of you, and I look forward to getting to know everyone. I can't do fancy code, so:

Cut for introductions )