November 21st, 2020



Okay, so have a Charles Xavier, otherwise known as Professor X. Expert in genetics, mutations and psionics, and super powerful telepath. Also, teacher of gifted youngsters, and leader of the X-Men. Or he was. He recently retired from that, leaving Hank in charge.

He's from the newer X-Men movies, and is from just after Dark Phoenix. Which makes him 59, but obviously doesn't look it, because James McAvoy. But, he also has memories from ~timestreammods and ~saveatlantis, meaning he remembers both being Dash's guardian, but also remembers their time in Breckentale, where he was actually his father, along with Erik.

Anyway, he's going to be the Manager of Scholarships and Education, and living with Rogue and Lila Potts. So, fun all around for everyone.