January 24th, 2020



Surprise surprise, it's Lena with a new character.

This is Tahiri Veila from the Star Wars Legends timeline. She was the BFF and almost girlfriend of Anakin Solo, she's a Jedi, friends with Jacen and Jaina, raised on Tattooine, hates shoes of any kind and is very, very talkative. She has PGH from Displaced where she knew a version of Jacen, Jaina, Violet, Dash and some others. She made friends with Dash and they got into some bikinis together, but that was awhile ago for her since she went home and lived through more canon afterwards.

She's living alone for now and it working in transport. Please be her friend, she is really great. Sorry not sorry that she doesn't really know how to shut up.




I am doing this backwards, but this is Natasha with two new characters.

Fitz here is from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He will be working in Science, specifically on Research Applications which means he will be enjoying himself with the world not ending for once. He's incredibly curious about the amber. And he'll be living with Jemma. He wants all his people.

Allison Hargreeves [info]imadeawish comes with Some Reality history like Luther and Vanya, so one of my newbies isn't fresh from the Apocalypse. She will be living with her siblings and working as Thea's executive assistant which I am seriously looking forward to. 😂