June 5th, 2019



another character intro

It occurred to me I didn't do an OOC intro, even though you're all obviously familiar with this character ;)

Anyway, this is Lena, continuing her trend of picking up dropped characters because of ~plot reasons. I'm taking over Clarke since Lauren decided to leave the game, but I reset her so she doesn't have her game memories from before. Instead of her "poofing" like most of the other drops, what happened is she decided to interact with her amber since it is uh fairly known that's how you get memory updates from home, but something went wrong and not only did she get memories up to 6x3, but she also got some from Atlantis (through the Supernatural mission) and she lost her Revolt game memories in the process. You can read the narrative here

I know you've all played with my Clarke before, but her app is here. She'll obviously recognize a fair few of your characters from her Atlantis memories and I am happy to reestablish friendships people may have had with the old Clarke as well as establish brand new ones! Clarke has become one of my favorite characters to write and I am looking forward to playing her here!

ETA oh, in a weird quirk of the amber and because Tiny is a Nice ModTM, Clarke also has her kitten Symba from Atlantis here, too. :)

💜💜💜 Lena