Saturday, July 7th, 2012

Reversathon Submission Guidelines

This post should give you all the information you need to submit your stories and artwork for the Reversathon.

The basics

All stories and artwork will be posted anonymously by the mods to the Reversathon communities. Comments will be centralised at IJ with anon commenting enabled.

Please remember to use the address for the mods as we both have mail forwarded from that address.


Please take the deadline - Monday 16th July - as the actual deadline, and not the date where you start wondering if you can get an extension. We strongly recommend aiming to get your story or artwork in early to avoid those last minute disasters that happen to us all at times. Obviously you're free to submit your contribution as early as you like, starting right now - in fact, we're going to love you forever if you do.

We will be sending out a reminder email approximately ONE WEEK before the deadline as well as posting to the Reversathon communities.

Should you run into any real problems with the deadline, we'll do our best to help. All extension requests must be accompanied by a partial draft of the story or artwork, no exceptions will be made to that. This is the important bit: If we don't receive either a completed entry or a draft with an extension request on the deadline day we will start looking for a backup to take your place.

If at any point you are sure you won't be able to complete your story or artwork for the fest please comment here or email us at to let us know.

Now, on with the details.

Submission guidelines )

Headers )

Author or artist notes )

Artwork )

Formatting for Fic )

Still have questions?

Please comment here or e-mail us at
(Leave a comment)