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May. 29th, 2011


RP- Tom is not happy

Date: May 28, Year One
Characters: Tom and OPEN
>Location: Near the cafe on th corner of Duke Street and Rose Lane
Public/Private: Public/Open
Warning: TBD
Summary: Tom arrives in Putus and wants to know what is going on.
Status: Incomplete

And an unhappy Tom never ends well )

May. 28th, 2011


RP: Mid-morning tea

Date: May 28, Year One
Characters: Gellert and OPEN
Location: the Maiden Inn
Public/Private: Public
Warning: TBD
Summary: Gellert is having some afternoon tea alone; someone come and bother join him.
Status: Incomplete

The place brings back memories that do not belong here exactly )

May. 27th, 2011


RP: I may be bad...

Date: May 27, Year One, morning
Characters: Rookwood & NPC
Location: Manor dungeon
Warning: very minor torture (cause Rookwoods a nice guy :P)
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Rookwood tests out the iron maiden.
Status: Complete

...but I'm perfectly good at it )

May. 26th, 2011


RP - I respectfully decline the invitation to join your hallucination

Date: May 26th, Year One
Characters: Octavius Pepper and OPEN
Location: Market Street
Warnings: TBD
Public/Private: Public
Summary: Octavius was worried and confused but then he saw something shiny
Status: Incomplete



RP: I feel so down and out....

Date: May 26, Year One, morning
Characters: Meaghan McCormack and Molly Prewett
Location: middle of town, near the Putus Manor
Warnings: TBD
Public/Private: Private
Summary: Meaghan wakes up at Putus Village and while she's angry and freaking out internally, runs into Molly.
Status: Incomplete

Nothing feels good. Everything's wrong. Nothing feels right. )


RP: Drinks all around...

Date: May 26, Year One
Characters: Augustus Rookwood, Morgana Le Fey, and Gellert Grindelwald
Location: Leaving the Manor, then the Green Cup
Warnings: None this time.
Public/Private: Private
Summary: The three council members discuss the on-goings of Putus Village after a meeting.
Status: Incomplete

Welcome to Putus Village. We know you'll stay. )