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A Marauder-Era RPG

User: [info]themoonywolf
Date: 2009-07-21 14:11
Subject: Oh please don't send me to the kitchens...
Security: Public
Tags:10 september 1976, butterbeer, characer: emmeline vance, character: james potter, character: lily evans, character: peter pettigrew, character: remus lupin, character: sirius black, gryffindor common room

Characters: Remus Lupin, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans and Emmeline Vance! ...I believe that is all...
When: September 10th, after the fight in the evening.
Where: Gryffindor Common Room
Rating: Umm... PG13? We know Sirius has language...
Progress: Incomplete

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November 2018