Posts Tagged: 'weasley+fleur'

Aug. 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

WHO. Volunteers! Oliver, Terry, Astoria, Mike, Narcissa, Ron, Regulus, Theodore, Ariana, Fleur, and Bill.
WHERE. Multiple locations mostly around wizarding London & Hogsmeade.
WHEN. Saturday 29th.
WHAT. A series of interesting encounters.
STATUS. Ongoing.

sing along with the common people, sing along and it might just get you through. )

Jun. 27th, 2020



Vivi's Party {OPEN}

WHO. All invitees (tag urself) - Weasleys + Friends + Family + ppl with kids
WHERE. Shell Cottage garden & surrounding land
WHEN. Saturday 27th Jun. 12pm-5pm
WHAT. A birthday party!
WARNINGS. Keep it PG gang
It’s my party and I’ll fly if I want to )

Jun. 20th, 2020



Coming Home

WHO. Bill & Fleur (& kids)
WHERE. Shell Cottage
WHEN. Friday 19th June; evening - Saturday 20th June
WHAT. A slice of life at Shell Cottage
WARNINGS. cottagecore fluff only
STATUS. complete
Il était une chèvre de fort tempérament )