Oct. 27th, 2008



Housing )

Oct. 26th, 2008


Wanted Characters

Wanted )



Taken Characters )

All holds are good for one week, unless otherwise stated. Extensions are granted for two additional weeks.

Hestia Jones - Harry Potter (Permanent)
Selene - Underworld (Permanent)
Winnie Sanderson - Hocus Pocus (Permanent)

Updated last on 11/01/2008



Please fill this out unless you've been pre-approved by one of the mods, and we will be checking with one another on who pre-approved you. If you have been pre-approved, please put fill out both the OOC and character information, along with the name of the mod that pre-approved you, and put it in a comment. If you have not been pre-approved, please fill out all of the information.

Please read over the rules and regulations before applying. If you have any questions, feel free to reach one of the mods.

The Application


Rules & Regulations

001. Mods are your friends, not foes. If you have any problems or questions, go to them. It's what they're there for. You can email us at rememberwhenmods@gmail.com.

002. Harassment = not cool. If you feel like you're being pushed into a certain ship or plot, come talk to a mod. Keep character knowledge in character and OOC stuff out. Also, don't harass other players for tags. If you do and the mods get word of this, it will be grounds for removal from the game.

003. Don't be an ass and leave others out. Not only is it uncool, but it's also just being ignorant.

004. Picking up a character and not playing them could probably prohibit them from getting far in the game. Make sure that you can handle the characters that you take on.

005. Do not tell another player how to play their character, if you have a problem with it notify a mod. This is also to say be true to your character, remember how they would react to something and portray them accordingly.

006. Don't god-mod. It just makes you look like a jerk and if you don't, it'll cut down on the BS a lot.

007. We would like all posts to be at least two paragraphs long, to give all the players something to work with when replying to your thread or comment.

008. No Mary-Sues or Gary Stus. Flush out your character's background if it's an OC.

009. Use realistic PBs. If a character already has a PB, use it. Canon PBs only.

010. We want an active game with active characters. If you know that you're not going to be able to handle the game, please don't apply. Also, if your character is not active within the first two weeks you apply for it, then you will be removed from the game unless you're on hiatus and/or you've talked to a mod.

011. If you already have a journal made for a particular character, feel free to use it. If not, please make a new journal for your character. Since the game also takes place in character journals, please use a filter if your journal is used for more than one game. If you're not sure how to do this, please contact the mods and we'll be more than happy to help you.

012. The game is also open to AIM logs. This means that all of those logs are to be posted in [info]remember_when and not [info]remembercontact.

October 2008



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