Posts Tagged: 'stuart+levy'

Oct. 7th, 2015



WHO: Gretel and OPEN
WHAT: Trying to find her brother.
WHEN: Day 6, Dawnish
STATUS: Open/In progress
She'd scream until her throat bled. What else could she possibly do. )

Oct. 1st, 2015



WHO: Lydia Martin and Stuart Levy
WHAT: Eating. She's got foood
WHEN: Day 2, evening
WARNINGS: Possible language
STATUS: Closed/Complete
She knew that if she followed them she would find bodies in the woods surrounding this place. )

Sep. 28th, 2015



WHO: Katherine Danvers & Stuart Levy
WHERE: Outside of west door
WHEN: Day one
WHAT: Arrival
RATING: Likely some cursing
STATUS: Complete

They wouldn't have left her untied, untouched or unharmed. Certainly not all three. )