Posts Tagged: 'natasha+romanoff'

Nov. 11th, 2015



WHO: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff
WHERE: Steve’s apartment
WHEN: Day 23, 3AM
WHAT: Insomnia and stupidity
WARNINGS: Not much
STATUS: Closed/Complete

I always knew that I would love you from afar. Read more... )

Nov. 9th, 2015



WHO: Natasha Romanoff and Sam Winchester
WHERE: Outside within the commune
WHEN: Afternoon day 22
WHAT:  Making Coffeeeeeeeee
WARNINGS: The thrill that comes with making coffeeeeeee
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

You know what you need in your coffee? More coffee.Read more... )

Nov. 2nd, 2015



Who: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff
What: Steve's got a ghost problem and can't sleep
When: Day 18, around 2 AM
Where: Natasha's apartment
Rating/Warnings: NA
Status: Complete

cause lately I'm not dreaming, so what's the point in sleeping, it's just that at night I've got nowhere to hide )

Sep. 30th, 2015



WHO: Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff
WHAT: Meeting up
WHEN: Day One; After Natasha’s journal entry
WHERE: Natasha’s apartment
STATUS: In progress

when I'm losing my control, the city spins around You're the only one who knows, you slow it down Read more... )

Sep. 28th, 2015



WHO: Natasha Romanoff and Alexandra Udinov
WHAT: Awakening
WHEN: Monday evening
WARNINGS: Possible language
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete
She didn't remember getting kidnapped this time. )