November 9th, 2015



Who: Anders Johnson and Jesse Pinkman
What: random encounters
When: Day 20, afternoon
Where: just outside the apartment building
Warnings: tbd
Status: closed/ongoing

Does this look like Asgard? )



Who: Sawyer and OTA (multiples welcome)
What: Getting some damned food
Where: Outside the East Wall en-route to the lake
When: Pre-Dawn Day 22
Warnings Etc: Potty Mouth Perpetually

Status: Wide Effing Open

Read more... )



WHO: Natasha Romanoff and Sam Winchester
WHERE: Outside within the commune
WHEN: Afternoon day 22
WHAT:  Making Coffeeeeeeeee
WARNINGS: The thrill that comes with making coffeeeeeee
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

You know what you need in your coffee? More coffee.Read more... )



Who: Barry, Joey, & Hansel
What: Hansel's arrival
When: Day 22, after this
Where: Inside the north gate
Warnings: Likely just Hansel's mouth
Status: In progress

How the hell did I end up here? )