October 8th, 2015



WHO: Sarah Dietrich and Ben Braeden
WHERE: Sarah's apartment
WHEN: Thursday afternoon, Day Five (after this)
WHAT: Ben is coming over to help Sarah get her stuff set up...and to find out if she’s something dangerous.
WARNINGS: A tad bit of language, that's about it.
STATUS: Closed, complete

He showed me death
and said, “this is how you know you’re alive.” Read more... )



WHO: Ben Braeden and Dean Winchester
WHERE: Outside Ben's apartment
WHEN: Thursday afternoon, Day Five (after this)
WHAT: Dean weirding people out, of course.
WARNINGS: Language, knowing Dean...and Ben.
STATUS: Closed, Complete

Just when things couldn't get any worse...
Read more... )



Who: Sam and Joey
What: Rudimentary first aid
When: Early day 6
Where: Joey's apartment
Warnings: Bad luck, possibly blood and almost definitely swearing
Status: Closed/ongoing

A stitch in time... )



WHO: Kaylee Frye and OPEN
WHERE: Outside by the river
WHEN: Friday Evening, Day Seven
WHAT: Kaylee is being...well, sad!Kaylee, and is also afflicted with the bad lucks. So, of course it's time to get hurt! Experiment Log!
WARNINGS: Can't say I can see it that high with Kaylee.
STATUS: Open, Incomplete

Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand.
I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.
Read more... )



WHO: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin
WHAT: A reunion of sorts, sorta
WHEN: Day 6, afternoon
WARNINGS: Definite mention of death, probably angst and sadness. Language. It's Sirius, he's also a drama queen.
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete
He lost them, and Sirius wasn't blind to his very significant role in that. )