Red Magic: A Willow-centric Fic and Art Asylum

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June 18th, 2007

01:23 pm - Fic: Only Way (W/A and S/OC) Pro-17...
Only Way…
Author: D. Mysinger
Coupleling: Willow/Angel, Spike/OC
Disclaimer: Joss owns all but the story. Songs by Evanescence found at
Summary: Loren has issues with one of the new clients and calls for help with her. What happens next is anyone’s guess.
Changes: Spike is sired by Angelus. Spike went to Germany instead of looking for Dru in Brazil.
Code: < > thoughts | * * Emphasis |
Rating: NC-17 just to be safe…
Warnings: Possible M/M, Possible F/F, Possible Character Death, Possible Rape and Possible BDSM, horrible language and sex. I tried to warn about everything but if I missed something sorry.
A/N: I love feed back, this story just popped into my head and I went for it.
Distribution: NHA,, WLS.
Pro-17... )<Well, that explains a lot! Angel thought. “I’m sure Jessie would want Xander to know that, I may not particularly like Xander, but I think you should called him.” Angel said breathing in her scent. “They went to see Oz.” Willow stated. “I thought so, did you want to go?” He asked “I would have liked to have been asked, or even told. They just didn’t say anything to me. I’m upset they felt the need to lie to me.” She explained whipping her eyes and looking up at him. Angel couldn’t help himself she smelled great and looked so delicate he just had to. Bringing his head down slowly, giving her time to deny him, he placed a whisper of a kiss against her lips. Willow couldn’t believe it was finally happening, Angel had kissed her. Angel looked into her eyes, ready to apologize if needed, what he saw there changed his mind. His hunger for her was reflected in her own eyes. “Willow…I…” Angel started before Willow stopped him. “Angel, we can’t do this until your soul is permanent, no matter how much either of us might want this.” She explained to him. Angel gave her a rare smile before letting her go and removing himself from her bed. Well, I guess I should be leaving you to get some rest.” Angel said. “Why, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep now?” She asked. “Because if I stay here right now I’m risking my soul.” He told her sounding very serous, turning to leave. ”Oh!” Was all Angel heard as he left the room headed back to his own room to take another shower, a cold one. ~End of 16~ Part 17~ The next morning, The Lobby… Willow had spent the rest of the night after Angel left going over her dream and why she hadn’t told him everything she remembered from her dream, now down in the lobby practically begging the coffee maker to work faster. She was also thanking the gods she had gotten to the coffee maker before Cordelia had arrived for the day. Angel had told her about Cordelia’s coffee once in an email and she didn’t think she could handle that this morning. She was actually waiting for Cordelia to show up, hoping talking to the one other person in LA who knew Jessie would help her clear things up even more. She had a feeling it wasn’t just a dream and wanted to run that past Cordelia before calling Xander. Willow knew Xander was still feeling quilty about Jessie and didn’t want to make it worse. She was still upset with her friends for not telling her they were going to see Oz. Oz’s leaving had hurt her deeply but she was beginning to see he was right, and she was realizing she was getting over Oz and falling for Angel. Angel had kissed her the night before and she could still feel his lips on hers. She had lain awake thinking about his kiss and his lips with her dream. It had been one of the simplest kisses yet one of the best kisses of her life. When Oz first left she thought she’d never be kissed again, and now Angel had kissed her. She stood in front of the coffee maker contiplating Angel’s kiss when Angel came down the stairs. He found her standing there with a dreamy look on her face and felt the earge to kiss her again but fought it, instead he reach out and grabbed a coffee cup and poured himself a cup. Willow was startled out of her thoughts when she heard the cup being filled. Looking up she blushed when she realized it was Angel. “Good morning, Little One.” Angel said before sipping his coffee. “Morning, Angel.” Willow said. The rest of their conversation was stopped when Cordelia ran in though the doors. “Angel, I had a vision.” She said before fainting. ~End of 17~
Current Mood: [mood icon] artistic

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