June 19th, 2008

[info]sylvanawood in [info]red_day_love

A Prince's Wisdom

[info]snapelike in [info]red_day_love

Werewolves and Other Canines - MP3 Compilation

Thirteen Songs About Werewolves and Other Dentally Challenged Canines and Creatures )

[info]venturous in [info]red_day_love

Twister! Drawble

I made this wee drawble a while back when I read this sweet little fic, Playing at Games, by [info]skitty_kat
So far, it's my only Snupin art. That could change...

[info]torino10154 in [info]red_day_love

Four drabbles

Here are a set of silly drabbles, all based on variations of 'lupo'.

Title: Lupin
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Warning: Mention of Lily.
A/N: Lupin flowers are found in the Americas, the Mediterranean and Africa.

Lupin )

Title: Cantaloupe
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
A/N: The melon we call cantaloupe is called rockmelon in Australia and New Zealand. Cantaloupe possibly gets its name from a town in Italy where it was first cultivated in Europe.

Cantaloupe )

Title: In bocca al lupo
Word Count: 100
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bondage, mild D/s implied
A/N: In bocca al lupo translates as 'in the mouth of the wolf' but idiomatically it means 'good luck'.

In bocca al lupo )

Title: Cantalupo
Word Count: 100
Rating: soft R
A/N: Cantalupo means 'song of the wolf'.

Cantalupo )