May 8th, 2008

[info]pinkpunkrock in [info]rebel_rebel

WHO: Bill Weasley and Nymphadora Tonks
WHERE: The Prefect's Bathroom
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHAT: The two have something Very Serious to discuss
RATING: Probably high PG-13

Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see / Come together right now over me )

[info]rebelrebel_mods in [info]rebel_rebel


The Dark Mark was spotted for the first time in nine years on Wednesday evening over a Muggle household. Four people – two adults, two children, all non-magical – were reported to be deceased inside.

No other details could be confirmed, but the Minister himself released a statement regarding the attack, reassuring the public that this is only the work of a copycat killer. “As sickening as it is, with the return of certain fully-pardoned persons into our great nation, the Ministry was prepared for such attacks to occur. We are in no way accusing these individuals of this crime – in fact, we have secured alibis for all six. However, the Ministry is aware of these associations and copycat killings that often occur when these sorts of things happen. We want to make sure the public knows that You-Know-Who is not back, nor will he ever return to England.”

The formal statement, which was read in the Atrium of the Ministry, was all the Minister cared to say, although anonymous insiders say that Fudge is determined to prove that these murders were not the work of the pardoned Death Eaters.

The family had no known association with anyone inside the Wizarding World, and no motive has been reported.