May 13th, 2014


Death Bites

Characters: Linda (& Pace too. Possibly)
When: Friday, 4:49pm
Location: In between Cabin 8 and the Keep, somewhere around the middle heading back the the Cabin
Warnings/Rating: Mild language, Violence, Graphic
Summary: Linda gets bit, embarrassingly
Status: Closed/Narritive

And she thought wolves were okay )



[No Subject]

Characters: Alexandra, Jaime
When: Thursday noon
Location: The lake then to the cabins
Warnings/Rating: language, injures
Summary: Alex drags herself back home and seeks out healing.
Status: Closed, completed

At least she wasn't a zombie )




Characters: Alex
When: Friday, 5:00 AM
Location: Cabin 6
Summary: A repair

Repair )



Of Blood and Stuff

Characters: Sin and Jake
When: Friday, around 11 pm
Location: Cabin 11
Warnings/Rating: Language, talk of blood
Summary: Sin confesses a thing
Status: Complete, gdocs’d

Like Dracula, kinda )



Ahead to the Future

Characters: Jason, Sam, Juliet, Matt
When: Friday evening
Location: the lab
Warnings/Rating: Spoilers, language, things
Summary: Spoilers, language, things.
Status: Complete

Jaws )