May 9th, 2014


[No Subject]

Characters: Linda and Open
When: Wednesday 7:25pm
Location: The beaten-off path between the mountains
Warnings/Rating: None Anticipated
Summary: Exploring
Status: Open and Ongoing



[No Subject]

Characters: Alexandra
When: Wednesday 5 pm and on into the night
Location: The valley by the lake
Warnings/Rating: violence, animal attacks
Summary: Alex is attacked by the zombie animals.
Status: Closed, Narrative.

Beware the Jabberwock my son, the jaws that bite, the claws that catch. )



Finding the King of the Jungle

Characters: Otis and Jaime
When: Wednesday Late Afternoon/Early Night
Location: Around the dome
Warnings/Rating: Otis swears
Summary: Off to find Simba and find out what the Dome really has in store this week
Status: Complete

Waking up Wednesday morning wasn’t easy. )



[No Subject]

Characters: Aiden and OPEN
When: Wednesday afternoon
Location: outside
Warnings/Rating: none anticipated
Summary: Aiden searches for Tux. Again.
Status: Open ; ongoing

He couldn't have said why it seemed important that he find the cat. )



Requests Granted

Characters: Tristan, Linda, Sin, Aiden
When: Thursday, January 23, 5:00 AM
Location: The usual table
Summary: Boxes

Boxes of many colors )

[if there were other Wednesday demonstrations, hit me up]