March 20th, 2014




Characters: Jaime, Sin
When: just before noon, Saturday
Location: the Keep, kitcehn area
Warnings/Rating: uhm. language at least, will update
Summary: Jaime makes lunch and sort of watches her kitten
Status: Complete

Furry death bombs everywhere )



Kittens and Feathers Did Not Mix

Characters: April, Eli
When: Saturday, noon-ish
Location: the Keep, common area
Warnings/Rating: none anticipated
Summary: April brings her kitten to play with others
Status: Complete

Well, it beat leaving him alone ... )



Checking up

Characters: Jake, Dahlia
When: Saturday, later evening
Location: her cabin
Warnings/Rating: none anticipated
Summary: Jake visits his friend
Status: Complete

He was sure she had no lack of visitors )