March 6th, 2014



All the Lights

Characters: Tris
When: Saturday morning-ish
Location: his cabin
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Tris hangs lights and stuff
Status: Narrative

What wolves had to do with Christmas, he didn't know )




Characters: Jaime, Dahlia
When: Saturday, mid-morning-ish
Location: Keep kitchen
Warnings/Rating: her mouth
Summary: As warned (or promised, whatever) Jaime bakes
Status: Complete

She barely felt like it now, but ... )




Characters: Jake
When: Saturday late morning / early afternoonish
Location: his cabin
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Jake decorates. And kind of cheats. 'cause he can.
Status: Narrative

Well, they'd been able to use their powers before, right? )



[No Subject]

Characters: Sin and Thomas
When: Saturday, early afternoon
Location: Cabin 4
Warnings/Rating: Language, mild violence (for the last time), mild sexual things
Summary: In which Sin looks like a whore and then makes Thomas number 4. (Omg it rhymes! But seriously she can’t flirt to save her life.)
Status: Closed, Complete, AIM

A nice stabbing. )