February 23rd, 2014



Week 10

Week 10 )



Relocation / Infestation

Characters: Thomas // Sin
When: Monday, 2:30 AM
Location: Cabin 4 // Cabin 6
Summary: A relocation // an infestation

They Did Not Bluff )



Oh, fuck

Characters: Jaime, Mike
When: Monday, 3:15 AM
Location: their room
Warnings/Rating: Swears. All of them. And a ftb again.
Summary: There’s loud music, and Jaime is pissed
Status: Complete

Oh, shit, this one was on her )




Characters: April, Sin
When: Monday, 9:30 AM
Location: the Keep
Warnings/Rating: none anticipated
Summary: April hurt her wing upon wakeup and is not impressed
Status: Complete

Ouch )




Characters: Jake
When: slightly after noon to start
Location: outside, in the snow!
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Jake enjoys a comfortable albeit dark terrain
Status: Closed

There was less music outside )



Music Music everywhere ...

Characters: Tris, Eran
When: Monday, 2 PM-ish
Location: Outside, but not far from the outer cabins
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Tris is significantly less than impressed with this bullshit
Status: Complete

.. and all of it does stink )