January 16th, 2014



Time to Bake

Characters: Dahlia and Jaime
When: Wednesday 10am
Location: The Kitchen
Warnings/Rating: Baking
Summary: Jaime baking, Dahlia hoping to learn and not set things on fire
Status: Complete

Dahlia hadn’t even tried to sleep Tuesday night. )

[No Subject]

Characters: Chrissie and Otis
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Location: about 1/2 mile into the woods between cabins 10 and 2
Warnings/Rating: Tbd
Summary: Chrissie tries to feed the birds and eventually manipulates a squirrel
Status: In progress

Hopefully you guys like strawberry. )



A-hunting we will go

Characters: Mike, Jake
When: Wednesday morning, while Jaime's baking
Location: out in the forest
Warnings/Rating: Possible language, guilt tripping, etc
Summary: Jake wanted to talk to Mike and now seems like a good time. Oh, and there's turkey hunting.
Status: Complete

Gobble gobble )




Characters: Jaime, Mike
When: Tuesday, 9:30 PM
Location: their cabin
Warnings/Rating: high for smut
Summary: There's a cornucopia and hunting concerns, and then some sex
Status: Complete

It really was simple ... )