January 12th, 2014



Week 7

Week 7 )



A Former Contestant

Characters: Jaime, Mike
When: Monday, Nov 25, morning
Location: their cabin
Warnings/Rating: some talk of death, some language
Summary: a former contestant returns
Status: Complete, gdocs’d

Longest Year Ever )



And time rolled on

Characters: April, Otis
When: Monday, mid-morning
Location: the Keep
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: April pretends to remember what being social is like
Status: Complete

It was freezing out ... )



Just call him Sparky

Characters: Tris, Doug
When: Monday, late morning
Location: the Keep, common area
Warnings/Rating: none anticipated
Summary: Tris seeks social interaction
Status: Complete

It wasn't just his imagination )



Much better weather

Characters: Jake
When: Monday, early afternoon
Location: outside, north of the cabins
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: Jake enjoys weather he can comfortably go out in
Status: Closed

He was going to seriously fuck up his sleeping schedule )




Characters: Jaime, Mike
When: Monday evening
Location: their cabin
Warnings/Rating: Low; some making out
Summary: They’d had a nice day and now she was tired
Status: Complete, gdocs’d

She didn’t realize how tense she’d been until she wasn’t anymore )