January 7th, 2014



Even Predators can Die

Characters: Cole
When: Thursday Late Night
Location: Between the Keep and the 4,5, 11 cabins
Warnings/Rating: Blood and Gore
Summary: Three predators fight and only one walks away
Status: Narrative - The end of Cole

Cole was stalking them. )



How much is that kitty in the window ...?

Characters: April
When: Thursday, early afternoon
Location: the Keep, near a window in the entertainment area
Warnings/Rating: None anticipated
Summary: April watches the lions watch the Keep
Status: Closed

It was uncanny and unnerving )



Nightmarish Images

Characters: Jaime, Eran
When: Friday, 7:40 AM
Location: the Keep, dining area
Warnings/Rating: some panics?
Summary: Jaime finds something of interest
Status: Complete

Bad dreams forever )