September 20th, 2009


Supermassive Black Hole [Attn: Demyx]

Saix opened up the portal in the lounge with a simple flick of his wrist, his hood already drawn up over his head to hide his face.

This mission should be nothing but straightforward. The dusks had come back, whispering of a giant heartless, lurking in Twilight Town. If it had been any other world than Twilight Town, Saix would have ignored it. With Kingdom Hearts sealed, there was no reason to hunt the heartless, apart from general training. However a Dark Follower in Twilight Town was still a little too close for comfort.

So far they had gone undetected by those of the light and Saix did not want any of them to come here, allowing them to be detected by accident. Thus, he had decided to take care of the Dark Follower himself. He would have preferred a more useful partner to bring along but pickings were slim, and Demyx, cowardly and whiny as he might be, still ranked above a hung-over, sleep-deprived Xigbar.

So he hoped, at least.