November 11th, 2009


Chalklines and red puddles of those who've been slain [Attn: Axel]

Xigbar waited in the lounge, perched loosely on the arm of one of the couches, the portal already open next to him, the darkness coiling and pulsating in an endless slow spiral. He drummed the backs of his boots against the couch absently, ignoring the look Saix was sending him, the sheet of paper with their exact orders on it already in his hand. It didn't seem like a hard mission; just get in, kill things, get out. Definitely the kind of thing Axel was good back-up for.

Adorned with lies, wearing a gentle smile [ATTN: AKAITO]

Was he really that upset from what he said? This whole lack of feeling thing was hard. He'd learn to regain things later, but... finding where his little brother ran off to before he got himself in trouble was kind of important at the moment.

It wasn't hard to find his own twin-- the bright red hair and the flowing faded pink scarf were unmistakable, especially in a plain gray and white castle like this. Kaito huffed, blowing bangs out of his eyes as he tread right up behind his brother. Of course he'd be in the kitchen-- well, Kaito would have, anyways. He dropped a hand gently on Akaito's shoulder.