September 11th, 2009


Dance of Flames [ATTN: Riku]

Training? Not the most unusual thing to dump a kid on him for. He didn't think it would end up one who wasn't even part of the Organization-- or a Nobody, for that matter. Still.. this kid? He was a bit of work. You would figure with this atmosphere in The World That Never Was, the kid would be far more wary, but instead he was hellbent on learning.

Okay, so Axel could admire that. Somehow. Maybe. In the back of his now non-existent heart.

Regardless of the reasons Lexaeus had dumped and dashed, Axel didn't seem too concerned with. This was just as much an excuse to exert a little force as any, and he wasn't about to pass up the chance to kick some brat's ass for being too cocksure in this place.

Havoc's Divide is where he had chosen to drag this poor unfortunate soul, lighting up the area with a ring of fire to ensure Riku stayed within his 'training grounds' with him here.

"...yo, you ready?" A twirl of twin chakram at his sides, just waiting in a relaxed stance for the boy.