April 25th, 2009

[info]bellz in [info]rc_comm

[Filter: Private]

I went to the Police Station and hoped something special of mine had come. I'd spent hours going through everything and just as I felt my heart drop because of finding nothing, I saw a small, sparkling ring. I knew it was mine right away.

I really miss him, I dream of him all the time. I keep hoping that he'll arrive, but I'm beginning to think something has intervened again, namely some weird contraption. They did drop Jacob on me and for that I am unbelievably, unmistakeably grateful for the sunshine he brings with him.

I shouldn't avoid him, he's my best friend.


Spending all day in the Police Department is not fun when your father's not the Chief.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]rc_comm

I don't know which is weirder: the zombies or the girl who says her locket is alive or this annoying realization that's hit me recently. I thought I'd be here maybe a day or two, right? It turns out...not happening.

So I'm gonna need to settle in, I guess. Keep myself alive if anything else.

I could go on about how terrible it's going to be, accepting this fact, but I think I'll spare you the boring crap and get straight to it. How do YOU kill the zombies? I know headshots work. Anything else? Any other body part that I should be familiar with aiming for? Neat tricks, special equipment?

[info]turnabout in [info]rc_comm



[info]eileenprince in [info]rc_comm

Oh, I'm so glad to have my wand again. Feels so normal.

[info]grim_pilot in [info]rc_comm

Xander. Meet me on Park street a.s.a.p.

[info]michafute in [info]rc_comm

... A Raven Rune.

Hmm. My trip to the police station was worth it.

[info]gcooper in [info]rc_comm

Spending all afternoon at the station paid off because my laptop somehow got here! My wedding ring was already here thankfully (on my chain).

*private to Jack Harkness*

All the Torchwood files we uploaded to my laptop are intact.