April 24th, 2009

[info]silvereclipse in [info]rc_comm

Item Event

... Finally. Something good.

The Yellow Crystal... that makes three of them.

((OOC: Ramirez has acquired the Yellow Moon Crystal [from Skies of Arcadia] for the event. Happy, happy, joy, joy.))

[info]trucker_travis in [info]rc_comm

It followed me, somehow. Maybe it's just some sick joke, but those bloody rags and that blade... how did it get here? The doctors said it was my imagination, that I was sick. It's not supposed to be real but propped up in that cardboard box, it's staring at me and it's mocking everything I've accomplished, everything I've done to leave it behind and get better.

Damn it!

I should throw it away but I can't and I don't know why.

(OOC: Travis was given the Butcher's regalia as part of ze item plot, because he was almost okay for a minute. Bwaha.)

[info]malon in [info]rc_comm


Oh my, my book of my mother's songs.

I received the opportunity to sing at a Social Society Club called Regnum. Should any of you like to hear me singing, I will be there on the piano.
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[info]mikain in [info]rc_comm

Oh my, my noble's pendant. How quaint that of all items I acquired, that would be the one to appear.

[info]alphachris in [info]rc_comm

So. How's everyone doing? Does anyone need anything/have any questions? I can try to answer with what I know. Which isn't a whole lot, but seeing as this is Raccoon City round two for me (and some others), I thought I'd offer my assistance.

Besides, I need something to do. After over ten years of this shit, I need a break from shooting zombies, so that counts the lower city out. There's been no real disturbance in the high city to warrant me joining up the RCPD besides, that's a step down from STARS. I'm going stir crazy. So ask me questions.

And consider this a one time deal. I'm not normally Mr. Social.

[info]eclipsedwolf in [info]rc_comm

Item Event

Sometimes being at the police station pays off!

[Private to Bella]

Haha. Guess what I found?

[/end private]