April 22nd, 2009

[info]rpmchick in [info]rc_comm

My name is Summer Landsdown. Series Operator Ranger Yellow. I am stuck in Lower City and was attacked upon my arrival. If anyone is out there and could help me get to safety it would be much appreciated. I can fight off a lot of these things for a little while but once I get rid of a bunch more take their places.

[info]jeditraitor in [info]rc_comm

Lesson One.

When another soilder meets someone with military rank and laughs in their face when all they do is say their old name..

Don't be suprised at the concequences.

Anyway I will need to know where I am, and who is in charge. I have better things to be doing that dealing with someone elses problem right now,

[info]meropy in [info]rc_comm

..My locket came back to me...it still loves me.

[info]snowe in [info]rc_comm

This is great! Phenomenal even! I just received my sword, my real one with the gold blade from the police department. Way to go guys!

[info]silvereclipse in [info]rc_comm

Disbelief - Locked from Fina and Vyse

... I need to speak to someone. Privately.
I fear I have made a grave mistake... I have broken yet another promise.

[info]bellz in [info]rc_comm

I got myself a small job at a gun shop, I saw one of the guns that Charlie owns. Nostalgia is probably what made cause for the job taking. At least I'm supporting myself, right?