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[10 May 2012|07:14am]

internet at home again. what did i ever do without it?
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camping OOC discussion [22 Apr 2012|11:10am]

hillies is simply killing it with events and what not this past weekend. i've been busy so i'll try to do catch up on what i've missed shortly. in the meantime, today marks the start of the camping adventure at hidden lake park. for all the early birds who wanted to spend the day there, the first caravan would have left around 7 AM. but since a lot of people have things to do or wouldn't have been able to make it today, it would have been expected that students would be able to come and go freely between today (sunday) and the 24th (tuesday). it's also roughly thirty minutes from chapel hill, NC, so BJ would have been easy-going about picking up anyone who needed a ride after the initial day and taking home anyone who got camping fatigue right off the bat. for IC purposes, assume that austin and bj had print outs of who was riding with who and gave them to all the drivers. this wasn't to be strict, just to ensure that no one who wanted to come would be left behind. he also would have given his cell number to all of the bikers. not because he was particularly worried about the length and duration of the bicycling but just in case anything (god forbid) happened.

bj would be staying the full three days just to make sure that someone was around consistent to handle questions, concerns and deal with campsite personnel if so needed. he would have been helping people set up their tents if need be and would have chatted up as many newbies as possible so that everyone could feel a little comfortable with the camping experience.

they would have found a site within walking distance of hiking trails and a stream and likely would have set up in a wiiide circle oregon trail wagon style with the bonfire being placed in the middle every night. there would be some grilling (including some fish if bj and whoever else were lucky enough to catch some), as well as snacks from sol's(?) wal-mart run and bj's very own supermarket blitz. there'd be plenty of food, some drinks (alcoholic and non), music, plus scary stories if people were brave enough. and, of course, don't forget the s'mores.

this is getting sort of long but! comment here with any need-to-know things, coordinate scenes, discuss when your character would have arrived and left and what they would have done while they were there. if my net and IJ cooperates i'll have a group thread starter that people can use to write in. and let me know if you have any questions!

thread is here. to make it easy, i'd say include what day in the subject title if your character won't be there all weekend.
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[09 Mar 2012|11:34pm]

Oh hey spring break! Anyone want to write this week? Random aim chats? Anything!? Let's discuss!
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Comments screened. [16 Feb 2012|11:02pm]

I'm sorry for not being around much! I've had a bad case of mono...and who knew, it's worse to have it as an adult than having it as a child. Between that and trying to push through classes, I've been so worn out, but I have a long weekend if anyone wants to scene or chat over aim. If we don't have a line, let's work on one!
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[13 Feb 2012|05:17pm]

need a hiatus, lost my job.
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Hey you, you with the face. [13 Feb 2012|06:25am]

Hey everyone! Frits is feeling better, but still talks kind of funny because he's congested. Either way, he's feeling pretty great for it being Monday and waking up at 6AM without really having anything to do until 3. I'd love some threads for him. He'll be around campus, sitting on various benches and chairs, only on the inside of buildings because it's cold. Or, I can do any other scenario that can be thought up. So, yes, threads please? Comments are screened.
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[27 Jan 2012|01:03pm]

During the weekdays I am crazy busy, but ican keep up with threads if there are any players don't mind a thread lasting a week or so. I would love to get some more interaction with Audrey, so with that being said, would anyone be interested in working something out? Random IMs or threads? Comments are screened for privacy.
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Don't even know how to make this better. [24 Jan 2012|06:34pm]

So this kid was teased by a bully. Who knew that he was allergic to peanuts. And came over to the kid and rubbed his hands all over him saying he had just eaten nuts.


The kid coulda died.

I didn't know kids could be so.... what the fuck.
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[22 Jan 2012|08:39pm]

Hey guys!

So somehow I am off the next two days! Does anyone want to play with Mads, either over a scene or on aim. She's yelling at me to get her more active. And she really wants to see anyone since she was away from school for a bit. Pretty please? Even random IMs are super too

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Hello! [14 Jan 2012|01:47am]

So uh, I don't exactly need a hiatus, I'm just giving you guys a heads up that I'm not going to be around too much. My aunt was in a collision with a drunk driver a few days ago and she passed away this morning. I hate to seem like a flake, especially this soon into joining a game, but I just need to be there to help my family out right now. I'll probably be able to hop on AIM and facebook a lot more now that we're not spending all day at the hospital but I think that getting on an actual computer might be a no go until things are a bit settled.

Sorry everyone. ♥
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[01 Nov 2011|01:33pm]

Hey guys, it's one of those :/ I just wanted to let you all know that my kidlets here have run their course so I'm going to be removing Stevie and Roe. You guys have been wonderful for the nearly two years that I've written with you, old and new, but its just time. I'm always reachable if you need anything and I'm positive that we'll be seeing and playing with each other again!
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[19 Oct 2011|08:27pm]

Due to some things going on with my family right now...like the reoccurance of my mothers heart disease and my brother being readmitted to the hospital this afternoon. I've decided it isnt fair to the comm to keep Maddox here right now. Maybe once things calm down, since I do enjoy the comm and she does like her friends, I'll be back. For those that want, you can still talk to her on aim, or on facebook.

Thanks guys <3
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[03 Oct 2011|08:00pm]

Hey guys, Im taking a short hiatus with Maddox. She will have been doing all the zeta pledge events and stuff and when I get back I'll tag all of them. But Im in the process of trying to a) find a new part time job, and b) Buy a house :-x (if the realtor ever calls me back) I just need a few days away, maybe a week. But I'll be back. Promise.
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[08 Sep 2011|10:10pm]

come and get it hillies
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[07 Sep 2011|05:48pm]

[ mood | [info]chi_omega ]

For those who plan on having their character attend Chi Omega's Wednesday night event, the ooc discussion post can be found here, as well as, the list of events to be carried out through the week.

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[07 Sep 2011|11:33am]

So no guys, Maddox and I haven't disappeared. I had to deal with alot of family drama, my brother being in and out of the hospital for the last two, almost three weeks. But he's out now, so I'm back. Did I miss anything super? Sorry if for the next little while after this Mads journal is all over the FP. We have lost time to make up for! I'll be posting a journal entry, one of her lovely info posts in the random, and maybe an open scene sometime today. Anyone else want a custom or aim scene with her while we're at it? :)
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[23 Aug 2011|01:48pm]

hey lovelies, so this is really difficult to do since i love him so much but i'm thinking that bj's time in game has come to an end for the moment. it's not fair to anyone to just go through the motions with him and i'd like to bow out before it gets any worse. it would be awesome to get motivation back for him but, in case that doesn't happen, i wish you all au revoir for now. bj will still be signed on AIM once in a while if you'd like to hit him up IC and, of course, you can always give him a poke on his journal. i don't mind keeping in touch! thanks to everyone for making him such a joy to play for so long, it's been a blast. take care, kids, you're awesome! ♥
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[14 Aug 2011|08:13pm]

So! I am off on vaction for the next like 12 days or so, and since I haven't really done all that much with Maddox lately, since works been craptastic, would anyone like to help me take advantage of my vacation and do some scenes with her? :) Or she needs more aim interaction too, would anyone like a random IM from her?
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[11 Aug 2011|09:54pm]

Well, hillies. It's been a good time, but Caleigh just hasn't found her place here, so I'm pulling her. Best of luck to everyone.
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[09 Aug 2011|12:56pm]

Hey guys! Is anyone interested in a random scene? I'm fine with threads or aim. Caleigh here is native to Chapel Hill, but she moved away for two years and since she's been back for the last month or so, she hasn't talked to many people and I'd love to get into some interaction with everyone! I'd be more than happy to start, but if anyone is interested, maybe throw me some facts such as maybe where your kid works or something we can start with or ideas if you have any! Comments are screened for privacy.
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