April 18th, 2012

12:30 pm
[info]black_magichat: The Wayne Concert Hall in Gotham

Zatanna wearily took her final bow and exited stage left. It had only been to honor her father's memory that she'd appeared at this little charity event. Entertaining the rich and famous of Gotham with parlor tricks and rabbits in a top hat... So inane that it drove her nearly to scream. But the cause felt right and it was over now, she could relax. Indulgently she wondered as she padded down the halls in the labyrinthine back-end of the illustrious Wayne Concert Hall, for the millionth time whether her Bruce was present among the multitudes. Seemed likely, incredibly so, given that his family name patroned the place and he was just about the personal moneybags for what, 90% of the city? The world? She had no idea, but it did seem likely given it was for charity that he would be around. So why hadn't he wandered back stage to meet her when she stepped away? Wasn't like he didn't have the right to go wherever he wanted. And the man was very, very good at being sneaky, that Zatanna knew personally.

She sighed and mumbled, "!moor gnisserd ym ot em teg". As usual in this place she was near-instantly lost in the overwhelming set of corridors, often peculiarly devoid of any signage. As the floor tiles cheerfully obliged her magic touch and lit up a pleasant shade of glowing yellow to help her along like so many neon breadcrumbs Zatanna trudged along moping and exhausted. At least, she reflected, there'd be a nice hot shower and a sofa where she could nap before the encore performance in a few hours. Maybe Bruce would show up then? She missed her childhood friend more than she cared to admit.